Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Message in a Bottle

Sales of bottled water are declining, barely.

Bottled water. I remember having a Perrier or Poland Spring or S. Pellegrino now and then years ago, as a treat.

Now phobic consumers buy bottled water under the illusion they are drinking better water than tap water.

What a fraud! It's totally amazing that people buy bottled water, thinking they are acting healthier and being environmentally friendly.

Consider all the oil used to make the plastic. Consider where all those plastic bottles end up.

What a travesty.

Plus, tap water is exceedingly less expensive.


Todd Camplin said...

My grandmother has bad things happen to her body when she drinks tap from other parts of the country. So, bottle water isn't completely evil, just mostly.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Point taken....though she is welcome to our water, from Skaneateles Lake.